The MICROSENS Smart Building Manager controls the building technology, monitors and updates device configurations, visualizes all relevant operating parameters and consumption values.
This provides the user with the informations and functions he needs in a neatly and easy to understand manner. Existing analog and digital components and devices can be integrated into the system via Smart I/O controllers.
In short: The Smart Building Manager is the key to efficient building management.
Added value of modern building automation
The Smart Building Manager not only handles the tasks of classic building automation by setting the respective setpoints. With the Smart Building Manager, the complete management of all substations building-wide is possible with just one tool.
Substations and controllers only have to be configured once, because the Smart Building Manager scans the entire system, determines the configuration of the components and makes the data available to all the processes it manages and controls. Everything only needs to be touched once.
Data and its visualization are associated to the respective data points and all instances access them, resulting in a much lower effort for set-up, operation and modifications.
Smart Building Manager Visualization
Data is only useful if it can be analyzed easily and understandably. Smart Building Manager's dashboard provides an "at a glance" overview with charts and graphical representation of data as diagrams. In addition to the standard charts, users can create their own charts very easily. Whether on the PC, tablet or smartphone, whether mobile or wall-mounted - relevant data is always easily accessible.
The visualization of the data makes their monitoring quick and easy. Deviations from the target state are detected immediately, enabling rapid intervention if necessary and serving as a basis for targeted optimization.
For example, it is possible to check which consumers require how much power and when, and how often this occurs. Load peaks are reliably detected and can be avoided. The optimum electricity tariff can be selected on the basis of reliably checked consumption instead of just estimated consumption, which can save a lot of money in view of rising energy costs.

Software Made in Germany
The Smart Building Manger is an in-house development of MICROSENS. As a German company, MICROSENS is accessible and tangible, with experts instead of call centers and with direct contacts instead of endless waiting loops and chatbots. And as a local company, MICROSENS can react quickly and flexibly and respond to customer requests in detail.
Application examples of Smart Building Manager tool
Efficient building utilization
Central management of the devices and systems distributed throughout the building creates the basis for the most efficient building use possible. For example, presence detectors record the number of people in a meeting or training room or in an open-plan office. The Smart Building Manager compares them with the maximum occupancy rate, which enables statements to be made about the actual utilization of the rooms.
If, for example, two large meeting rooms for up to fifteen people each are constantly booked out, but usually only occupied by three to five people, the room layout can be optimized: Three meeting rooms for up to five people, one for up to twelve. As a result, more rooms are available, more meetings are possible at the same time, and a room is more often available for meetings scheduled at short notice. Now the rooms are used much more efficiently.
Optimal resource and personnel management
Hotels benefit from the coupling of the Smart Building Manager with the hotel management software. If a room is not occupied, the Smart Building Manager automatically switches off the lights, heating and air conditioning operate in the lowered range, and in summer the blinds are automatically closed to prevent the room from heating up due to solar radiation.
When the guest checks in, the heating or air-conditioning system goes to set mode, the light comes on when the door is opened, and a personal greeting appears on the TV. If the guest has stored his personal profile with the hotel, the room technology is preset according to his preferences.
Cleaning and maintenance staff are directed to rooms that have become vacant so that they are available again as quickly as possible. In this way, resources and personnel are used optimally, which is not possible to the same extent with conventional hotel automation solutions.
Advantages of Smart Building Manager tool
Roll out configurations building-wide at the click of a mouse
In office buildings and hotels, many rooms are similar, and some are designed identically. This is where smart building solutions can fully exploit their advantages. The configurations of the devices and components of the building technology are created for one room and automatically distributed via Smart Building Manager to the devices and components of all similar rooms after approval.
In a large hotel, for example, it is sufficient to configure the smart building automation devices of one room. With the Smart Building Manager, they are simply distributed to the devices of all other similar rooms at the click of a mouse.
Changes also only need to be entered for one room and can be automatically distributed to all others. Hoteliers benefit from much less effort and enormous time and cost savings. Of course, these benefits are also applicable tooffices in system buildings.
Intelligent, effective alarms
The visualization of events and alarms provides a clear overview. With the "first things first" approach, users and technicians can grasp the essentials at first glance and respond quickly and appropriately. The Smart Building Manager can also be used to set up rules for alarms and their display.
In conventional systems, for example, subsequent faults that inevitably occur after a main fault lead to long, confusing error messages. Users and service technicians are literally overwhelmed by a long list. If desired, the Smart Building Manager can hide the inevitable subsequent errors and the service technician can concentrate on the main error.
Once the main fault has been eliminated, the subsequent faultsdisappear automatically. What remains in the error list must be investigated further. This enables targeted, effective troubleshooting, which saves a lot of time and therefore money.
Smart Building Manager Licensing Model
The licensing model is based on the number of data points which are to be managed with the Smart Building Manager. To keep it simple there are only two components. The basic licence includes the installation file and a basic amount of data points. If more data points are to be managed, there is an expansion pack to increase the number. In this way, the user only pays for what he really needs and can expand as required at any time.
The Smart Building Manager is the central component of the Smart Building Solutions from MICROSENS. The superordinate, central management of all networked equipment, systems and components, including their configuration and the visualization of all relevant building data at a glance, enables efficient building operation that is not possible with conventional solutions.
Existing digital and analog devices and components can be integrated via Smart I/O controllers. With portlets - small software modules - customer-specific solutions can be implemented easily, quickly and efficiently and can also be retrofitted during operation.
The Smart Building Manager from MICROSENS is the key to efficient building management.