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Success Story

There's more to gain with fiber than just high speed - New fiber network replaces copper and ensures more sustainable network in large commercial property in Copenhagen

Jeudan, a major commercial property owner in Denmark, is upgrading the IT infrastructure of their office building at Holmens Kanal in Copenhagen. The project involves replacing old copper networks with a new, sustainable fiber optic network, enhancing both speed and environmental efficiency.

Project Details

The building currently has three office units. A world-renowned Danish video game developer will be moving into the largest unit, which spans 1,800 square meters across three floors. Their operations demand a fast, secure, and stable IT setup, making a fiber network with a micro data center in the basement the optimal choice. This upgrade replaces traditional copper cables with blown fiber technology, offering a more eco-friendly and quicker-to-install solution.

"Sustainability and future-proofing play an important role for Jeudan as building owner and developer on the renovation project we advised on at Holmens Kanal 7 in Copenhagen," says Project Manager Jakob Jensen from NT Consulting.

In the commercial rental market, tenants move out on average after 5 years, and then it's normal to take down all installations and start all over again. This will no longer be necessary. With its high speed, the fiber solution is future-proof and far more flexible when it comes to renovation," says Jakob Jensen.

Faster re-leasing and extra square metres

The new IT installation, supplied by Wexøe A/S, provides Jeudan with financial benefits in terms of both rental time and the number of square metres for the tenant:

According to Wexoe, time is an important factor for the landlord's income, so they have focused on establishing an IT platform as quick as possible so that it can be re-leased. And there is no doubt that Jeudan can see that the new fiber solution is much faster to work with.

Another big advantage for Jeudan is that fiber takes up far less space than copper. Throughout the building fan pipes were installed, which means you can cut into the pipe anywhere, blow a fiber and connect a switch. You can't do that with copper, where you have to run a new cable from scratch.

In this building there are 600 outlets and with copper you would need 600 cables of 8.8 mm in diameter and 2 comms rooms on each floor. Now all the fibers are down in the basement where the micro data centre is. This means that the square metres previously used for technical rooms on each floor are included in the lease and provide Jeudan with additional revenue.

Simple and easy for the electricians

Electricians working on the project have found significant benefits with the new system as well:

The Wexøe channel system features a click mechanism for outlets, simplifying the installation process. The new system reduces the physical strain on electricians by eliminating the need for traditional methods that involve extensive cabling and manual labor. Preparing the pathways for the fiber took only 3-4 days, followed by 2 days to blow in the fiber and set up the system.

Dennis Rasmussen, chairman of Jeudan electricians says.” For us, the installation work has been quick and easy compared to the 'PDS hell' with many metres of cable and drums we had to carry up. The result has been really good - and we're ready for more.”

The fiber optic network upgrade at Holmens Kanal enhances both the building's sustainability and operational efficiency. The new system not only supports high-speed data needs but also simplifies the installation process, benefitting both the property owner and the electricians involved. This project sets a new standard for future-proof IT infrastructure in commercial properties.

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