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The new PLX from MICROSENS - The benchmark for powerful, reliable and secure IT networks

Hamm, 03.03.2022 – The new PLX from MICROSENS offers security for critical infrastructures. With its robust stainless steel housing and proven industrial level electronics, it works reliably even in harsh environments where conventional switches have long since stopped working. IEEE 802.1ae MACsec encryption ensures secure, manipulation-proof data transmission. Since it is implemented in hardware, encryption takes place with virtually no loss of performance.

The two 10 gigabit uplinks of the PLX can be connected to two different switches via different lines (dual homing). This offers a decisive increase in terms of security: If one connection fails, the PLX continues to be connected to the network at 10 gigabits per second. Of course, the two ports can also be used for a ring structure, as it has been proven in fail-safe industrial networks for years. With a range of up to 20 kilometers per uplink, the PLX is ideally suited for outdoor connections, for example, to link sites together or to connect field offices to the central office at high data rates.

The PLX has two DC voltage inputs for redundant power supply. Firmware and device configuration are stored on a SD card. If a switch needs to be replaced, the SD card is simply inserted into the replacement device, which then automatically takes over the configuration, ensuring exceptionally short recovery times. An IT specialist is not required for this purpose. The PLX is equipped with extensive security functions; additional functions can be added quickly and easily via software.

The PLX from MICROSENS is the optimal choice wherever there is an increased need for performance, reliability and security.”


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