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New Wi-Fi Access Points from MICROSENS for consistently high network performance in- and outdoors

Hamm, 16.03.2023 -MICROSENS expands its product portfolio with Wi-Fi access points for indoor and outdoor applications. With them, users can now consistently deploy network solutions from MICROSENS for all technologies - fiber, copper, Wi-Fi and 5G.

The new Wi-Fi access points from MICROSENS are available both for indoor use and in a weatherproof version for outdoor use with an extended temperature range of -30 °C to +70 °C and 5G/LTE connectivity option. Both versions operate in the 2.4 GHz range according to IEEE 802.11b/g/n/ax and in the 5 GHz range according to IEEE 802.3 a/n/ac/ax.

"Network components from MICROSENS have proven themselves for decades in networks with fiber optic and copper data lines," said Martin Graeve, product manager at MICROSENS. "With the new Wi-Fi access points, users now also benefit from the reliability and performance of MICROSENS product solutions in the area of wireless LAN. This means that MICROSENS devices are available to them for all three network media - copper, fiber and Wi-Fi. Of course, the access points are perfectly matched to the proven switches from MICROSENS."

The MICROSENS Indoor Wi-Fi Access Point offers a performance of 2 x 2400 Mbit/s and can serve 256 clients per channel simultaneously. It is powered either via 12 VDC, an external power supply or via PoE+, making it ideal to combine with the MICROSENS 10G Micro Switch via its Multi Gigabit downlink port for maximum performance. The weatherproof, frost-proof outdoor variant offers data rates of up to 1201 Mbps and can serve 128 clients per channel, this also allows optional connections via an integrated 5G cellular modem. In combination with the mast box and the integrated MICROSENS Ruggedized Micro Switch, it can be easily integrated into an outdoor fiber optic network via SFP.

Up to 31 additional access points can be managed and configured via a MICROSENS Indoor Access Point, which saves a lot of time and effort. An additional management tool is not required. A comprehensive management software for local installations with indoor and outdoor access points is available on request.

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