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Smart Audio Controller Integrates Classic Loudspeakers into the IP Data Network

At the "elektrotechnik" trade fair, a trade fair on the sector of electrical engineering held in Dortmund, Germany, MICROSENS demonstrates how classic loudspeakers can simply be integrated into the IP-based data network.

After telephony and video-technology, acoustic units are also becoming part of the IP data network. The new Smart Audio Controller of the euromicron subsidiary MICROSENS permits the easy and reliable integration of existing classical loudspeakers into the data network. The Smart Audio Controller converts the IP audio data to analogue audio signals, therefore offering particularly economical migration to IP technology.

There are multiple applications of acoustic units in modern buildings: No matter whether background music in department stores, announcements, or acoustic alarms which serve to address or warn persons in buildings in a targeted manner – there is scarcely a larger building without loudspeaker systems. IP-based solutions offer the advantage that announcements can be limited to specific rooms or sectors. In the case of alarms, predefined announcements tailored to the corresponding section and alarm case can be initiated automatically.

With the new Smart Audio Controller, MICROSENS provides users with the option to make use of the benefits of IP-based units with the existing, classic loudspeakers. The configuration of the Controller is conceivably simple. As a part of the path-breaking Smart Office Concept, it is controlled over a MicroApp on a MICROSENS network switch, which also supplies power via Power-over-Ethernet. Alternatively, you can also purchase a compact power supply with 24 V DC.

The Smart Audio Controller accommodates accesses for a loudspeaker (8 ?, max. 10 W), a microphone, and up to 6 push buttons for customer-specific extensions. They can be used, for instance, to integrate door intercommunication systems into the IP network.

Experience the interactive Smart Office Showroom live at the elektrotechnik trade fair in Dortmund from February 15 to 17, 2017 at the MICROSENS booth in Hall 4, Booth C50.

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La transmisión de información a través de conexiones de fibra óptica aporta numerosas ventajas. MICROSENS GmbH & Co. KG se dio cuenta de ello muy pronto. Como una de las pioneras, la empresa lleva desarrollando y produciendo sistemas de comunicación y transmisión de alto rendimiento en Alemania desde 1993. Adaptados individualmente a los requisitos de los distintos ámbitos de uso e integrados en conceptos integrales para industrias concretas. Pero, sobre todo, cerca del cliente. Los retos técnicos de los proyectos de los clientes fluyen directamente hacia el desarrollo de los productos. Así es como se crean soluciones de automatización basadas en IP para edificios modernos, conceptos de red rentables para oficinas y centros de trabajo, soluciones robustas y a prueba de fallos para entornos industriales, sistemas de transporte óptico para redes de área extensa orientadas al futuro y el acoplamiento eficaz de ubicaciones y centros de datos.