Customer Satisfaction
At MICROSENS, the satisfaction of our customers is our top priority. You will help us to become even better!
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persona de contacto

persona de contacto

Servicio en MICROSENS significa: servicio personal.

Director de ventas y marketing

Frank Konrad
General Manager and Head of Sales and Marketing

Team DACHIT - Germany, Austria, Switzerland & Italy

Mario Comes
Account Manager Germany
+49 172 2611588
Patrick Kokott
Account Manager Germany, Austria & Switzerland
+49 151 40661333
Antonio Di Salvio
Account Manager Germany & Italy
+ 49 173 2522703
Melanie Talar
Account Executive
+49 2381 9452-254
Nicole Roderigo
Account Executive
+49 2381 9452-244

Team International

Jorge Menz
Account Manager LATAM
+49 151 40661331
Feiko de Boer
Account Manager Netherlands UK, APAC & Nordic Countries
+49 151 40661305
Anne Rottmann
Account Executive
+49 2381 9452-251

Team Middle East

Yousef Rezki
International Sales Manager Middle East
+ 971 588496153
Melanie Talar
Account Executive
+49 2381 9452-254

Team Eastern Europe

Nailia Faut
Account Executive
+ 49 151 40661316
Tomasz Niewolik
Managing Director Eastern Europe
+48 71 33716-90
Tomasz Swieca
Area Sales Manager Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania
+48 538 341 954

Team Western Europe

Christian Guerrois
Directeur Commercial France
+33 6 48 28 06 14

Order Management & Export

Beate Müller
Order Management
+49 2381 9452-133
Stefanie Banack
Order Management & Export
+49 2381 9452-247
Anke de Vries
Export & Order Management
+49 2381 9452 250
Büsra Göker
Export & Order Management
+49 2381 9452 141


Olga Kerner
+49 2381 9452 241
Stephanie Kettner
Account Executive Western Europe & RMA
+49 2381 9452 238

Team Support

+49 2381 9452-345