
Field Devices Become IP Data Points with the Smart I/O Controller

Less cable tangle, more control options: At the Light + Building 2018, euromicron subsidiary MICROSENS launches its new Smart I/O Controller. The PoE-powered module permits the direct integration of any device on the sensor-actor layer into the IP infrastructure of modern buildings. This makes it possible even to directly address legacy field devices in the IP network by means of modern control options.

MICROSENS integrates the complete building technology into the IP infrastructure of modern buildings. Up to now, the most convenient way to integrate non-IP-capable devices was to use wireless communication. With the Smart I/O Controller, MICROSENS has developed an option to even control analogue devices of the system directly over Ethernet. As the devices are powered via Power-over-Ethernet (PoE+), it is not necessary to install a control bus or additional power cables. With this new product, MICROSENS closes a technical gap and offers a building automation solution without interface problems which is completely networked over IP.

Making Existing Technology IP-capable

Especially, the new product addresses the operators of buildings with existing automation infrastructure. If the building is modernised or refurbished, it is meant to allow the migration to the Smart Building concept with as little effort as necessary. The Smart I/O Controller connects the sensor and actor technology already installed in a IP networked buildings and, thus, permits the integration into the MICROSENS Smart Building solution.

Smart I/O Controller

The MICROSENS Smart I/O Controller serves both to capture sensor signals and to address and control automation actors. It is offered with input and output ports for digital and analogue signals and closes the gap between analogue devices and IP-based building automation.

The Smart I/O Controller has 8 inputs (4 analogue / 4 digital) and 4 outputs (2 analogue / 2 digital). Two analogue end devices work as PT100/PT1000-compatible sensor ports. Thanks to PoE+ technology, the Smart I/O Controller is directly powered over the network.

MICROSENS Runtime System

The Smart Director App and the integrated IEC61131-3-conforming SPS runtime system permits the administration of several Smart I/O Controllers and end devices connected to them. This is valid both for actors and sensors. Users can operate and configure the connected devices over the Web-based interface of the Smart Director App. Users can program individual functions by means of the microSys development environment conforming to IEC 61131-3.


La transmisión de información a través de conexiones de fibra óptica aporta numerosas ventajas. MICROSENS GmbH & Co. KG se dio cuenta de ello muy pronto. Como una de las pioneras, la empresa lleva desarrollando y produciendo sistemas de comunicación y transmisión de alto rendimiento en Alemania desde 1993. Adaptados individualmente a los requisitos de los distintos ámbitos de uso e integrados en conceptos integrales para industrias concretas. Pero, sobre todo, cerca del cliente. Los retos técnicos de los proyectos de los clientes fluyen directamente hacia el desarrollo de los productos. Así es como se crean soluciones de automatización basadas en IP para edificios modernos, conceptos de red rentables para oficinas y centros de trabajo, soluciones robustas y a prueba de fallos para entornos industriales, sistemas de transporte óptico para redes de área extensa orientadas al futuro y el acoplamiento eficaz de ubicaciones y centros de datos.