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2018: MICROSENS presents high-availability network switches for intelligent traffic infrastructure InnoTrans

The euromicron subsidiary MICROSENS will present its solutions for creating intelligent traffic infrastructures at the world’s leading trade fair for transport technology - InnoTrans (from 18 to 21 September in Berlin) in Hall 4.1 - Stand 312. At the euromicron group exhibition stand, MICROSENS will showcase its high-availability, robust and intelligent switches for traffic-relevant IT infrastructures, which, thanks to their high electromagnetic immunity and vibration resistance (certification for the railway sector in accordance with EN 50121-4:2006 and EN 50125-3:2003), can also be installed close to railway tracks. The high-availability Gigabit Ethernet switches are used for capturing environmental data, in traffic management systems or video surveillance of critical installations.

Advancing digitalisation as an innovation driver
The devices satisfy high demands for fail-safe operation and short recovery times in the event of faults, and therefore they are the first choice for use in the transport sector. With the dynamic spread of digitalization and processes increasingly linked through the Internet of Things, these features are in focus: Railway stations are increasingly video monitored, announcements and display panels are electronically controlled and ticketing too is reliant on a stable and secure IP data connection.

More and more digital processes lead to a steady increase in the need to transmit video and real-time data. The high-availability Gigabit Ethernet switches are specially tailored for use in the harsh environments along transport routes, such as tracks, but also motorways, tunnels or waterways. This is why they are the preferred communication and data technology for freight forwarders and public transport companies.

Robust, flexible switches as the basis for digital processes
The switches are approved for the railway sector and offer top performance and flexibility within a confined space, are extremely solid and yet offer maximum availability. Robust, expandable and designed for highest reliability, for the shortest recovery times - hence they form the sound technological basis for the attractive digital railway operation of the future. The high-availability Gigabit Ethernet switches with certification for the railway sector are available as DIN rail and 19" models and with a different number of ports.

MICROSENS Gigabit Ethernet switches are used wherever importance is placed on secure data transmission with increasing transmission rates in the future, under high security requirements, and with maximum availability.

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La transmisión de información a través de conexiones de fibra óptica aporta numerosas ventajas. MICROSENS GmbH & Co. KG se dio cuenta de ello muy pronto. Como una de las pioneras, la empresa lleva desarrollando y produciendo sistemas de comunicación y transmisión de alto rendimiento en Alemania desde 1993. Adaptados individualmente a los requisitos de los distintos ámbitos de uso e integrados en conceptos integrales para industrias concretas. Pero, sobre todo, cerca del cliente. Los retos técnicos de los proyectos de los clientes fluyen directamente hacia el desarrollo de los productos. Así es como se crean soluciones de automatización basadas en IP para edificios modernos, conceptos de red rentables para oficinas y centros de trabajo, soluciones robustas y a prueba de fallos para entornos industriales, sistemas de transporte óptico para redes de área extensa orientadas al futuro y el acoplamiento eficaz de ubicaciones y centros de datos.