Dubai International Airport expands using MICROSENS networking technology

Financial considerations were another key factor in the decision to install a fiber optic network using MICROSENS switches: by consulting with MICROSENS, network architects were able to reduce the number of distribution rooms needed significant compared to exclusively copper-based cabling and network technologies. This increases the amount of usable space available to businesses and airport management in the new building. The FTTO concept helps reduce the overall costs of purchasing, installing, and maintaining cabling technology and intermediate distributors. Furthermore, the MICROSENS concept contributes to a significant reduction of IT-related operational and energy costs, since the decentralised approach makes air conditioning and uninterrupted power supply (UPS) equipment largely unnecessary.
Dubai Airport is becoming one of the most important transport hubs for passenger and freight air traffic between Europe and Asia. This requires solid investments in future-proof networking technologies that can be adapted to suit new requirements easily and cost-efficiently. MICROSENS' FTTO concept is well prepared for this: the system can be upgraded to new technologies by simply exchanging active network components, and passive cabling can remain in place during expansions.
Planning for the new Concourse A terminal building began around six years ago. The original plans included a copper-based network. This changed, however, when MICROSENS consultants presented the hybrid FTTO concept with fiber optic technology and explained the benefits it would provide the airport. The integrator was awarded a contract for more than 8,000 MICROSENS switches to be used in network infrastructure, which are already delivered and installed. The new Concourse A terminal opened on January 02, 2013.

A propos de MICROSENS
La transmission d'informations par des connexions à fibres optiques présente de nombreux avantages. MICROSENS GmbH & Co. KG l'a reconnu très tôt. L'entreprise, qui fait partie des pionniers, développe et produit des systèmes de communication et de transmission à haute performance en Allemagne depuis 1993. Adaptés individuellement aux exigences des différents domaines d'utilisation et intégrés dans des concepts globaux pour les différentes industries. Mais surtout, proche du client. Les défis techniques des projets des clients se répercutent directement sur le développement des produits. Il en résulte des solutions d'automatisation basées sur IP pour les bâtiments modernes, des concepts de réseau rentables pour les bureaux et les postes de travail, des solutions robustes et à sécurité intégrée pour les environnements industriels, des systèmes de transport optique pour les réseaux étendus d'avenir et la liaison efficace des sites et des centres de données.